To add HIP processing to your TotilPay account kindly refer to below steps:
Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA) approval is required for your business to participate in Massachusetts' Healthy Incentives Program (MA HIP)**, as well as establishing a retailer account with Conduent.
Please follow the steps below to add the ability to process HIP with TotilPay:
1. Email DTA to obtain approval for a new HIP processing terminal:
2. After approval is granted, you will be provided Conduent's Retailer Settlement Authorization Form to complete in order to have your account with Conduent created.
3. Conduent will send us the processor and terminal ID information once the account setup is complete.
4. We'll process the setup request***, and your device will update its configuration automatically* and activate the terminal with the Conduent account. To confirm this, you may check for the HIP terminal privilege by navigating to ☰ More → Config Summary → Conduent, or observe the HIP amount field appearing when a SNAP purchase is initiated.
* Healthy Incentives Program (MA HIP) feature is only supported on iOS.
** NDG and TotilPay Support are unable to assist with or expedite HIP approvals from the DTA.
*** Please allow NDG and TotilPay Support 3-5 business days to process new Conduent setup requests.