
Add an Item or Transaction Discount

You can add an Item Discount to one of your products, if you would like to offer a particular item at a sale price. 

Choose the item from your product list on the main screen. You can also choose to locate your item from the Category menu from the left side of the screen:


Or the Search feature:



Once you locate the item, add it to the cart. In this example, we've added Broccoli to the cart:


You'll notice that now the Discount Tag icon is green once there are items in the cart:



Once you tap the Discount Tag, you will see the Discount Menu:


To add an Item Discount, select the item. In this example, we'll tap the Broccoli:


You will see the Item price at the top of the menu. 

Select the discount amount by tapping on the $0.00 amount.

Select the discount type by tapping on either the $ or % to discount this item in a dollar amount or a percentage amount. 

The discount description box allows you to enter a reason why the item is offered at a discount. For example, if you have peaches at peak ripeness and want to offer them at a discount before they become too ripe, you can write a description that includes this reason in the description box. 

Tap Apply to save your Item Discount. 


To apple a discount to an entire transaction, Tap on on Transaction Discount:




Select the discount amount by tapping on the $0.00 amount.

Select the discount type by tapping on either the $ or % to discount this item in a dollar amount or a percentage amount. 

The discount description box allows you to enter a reason why the item is offered at a discount. For example, if you have peaches at peak ripeness and want to offer them at a discount before they become too ripe, you can write a description that includes this reason in the description box. 

Tap Apply to save your Transaction Discount. 


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