
Communication Tests & Internet Connectivity

Communication Tests allow you to check the connectivity on your device. 
Login to the app, and tap the settings menu:
In settings, choose Communication Tests:
In Communication tests, choose all the tests one at a time. If each option is approved, then your internet signal is working. 
If the Communication Tests Fail: Then you do not have a strong enough internet signal, or the signal is unable to reach our servers. Take the following steps:
Exit the app and go to Safari. Choose, or, any common site will do. If you are unable to connect in Safari, then your connection is indeed not working, and you will need to contact Verizon, or the wifi provider for your location. 
If you can connect to a common website in Safari, then go to in Safari. If you can successfully reach this site, your internet connection is working. 
If you can connect to a common website but are NOT able to connect to, then that means there may be an issue with our server. Contact our support number 1-888-377-7884, or email
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