You can add more subscriptions and processing terminals (mobile devices) to your TotilPay Go account at any time.
Select your payment processor from the list below to get started:
NDG, FIS, and Square
If you process EBT/SNAP with NDG and FIS, please follow the steps below to add new subscriptions (devices) to your TotilPay Go account:
- Submit an Additional Subscription & Equipment Order Form online.
- We'll process your order, send you an email will Activation Codes for each subscription that you purchased, and ship your new equipment. **
* Some TotilPay features only available on iOS.
** Please allow NDG and TotilPay Support 3-5 business days to process new orders.
If you use WorldPay as your transaction processor, you will also need additional WorldPay Terminal ID information. Please follow the steps below to add new subscriptions (devices) to your TotilPay Go account:
- Contact WorldPay Support to request new Terminal ID information for your TotilPay account.*
- WorldPay will issue you a new Terminal ID and send you that number in an email with an attached document called a VAR sheet.
- When you receive the VAR sheet from WorldPay, email it to
- AFTER you have sent the VAR sheet, then submit an Additional Subscription & Equipment Order Form online.
- We'll process your order, send you an email with Activation Codes for each subscription that you purchased, and ship your new equipment. ***
* NDG and TotilPay Support are unable to assist with or expedite WorldPay Terminal ID requests.
** Some TotilPay features only available on iOS.
*** Please allow NDG and TotilPay Support 3-5 business days to process new orders.
Conduent (Healthy Incentives Program: MA HIP*)
Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA) approval is required if your business participates in Massachusetts' Healthy Incentives Program (MA HIP).** If you also have a WorldPay account, you'll need additional WorldPay Terminal ID information. See steps above. *
** Please follow the steps below to add HIP terminals to your TotilPay Go account:
- Email DTA to obtain approval for a new HIP processing terminal.
- After obtaining DTA approval, submit an Additional Subscription & Equipment Order Form online.
- We'll process your order, send you an email with Activation Codes for each subscription that you purchased, and ship your new equipment. ****
* Healthy Incentives Program (MA HIP) feature only supported on iOS.
** NDG and TotilPay Support are unable to assist with or expedite HIP approvals from the DTA.
*** NDG and TotilPay Support are unable to assist with or expedite Terminal ID requests from WorldPay.
**** Please allow NDG and TotilPay Support 3-5 business days to process new orders.