
TotilPay Register - How to resolve login issues

You can resolve locked user issues by logging in as another admin and resetting the bad password count. Use the steps below to create a new admin user at the Totilpay Merchant Portal.

Create a new TotilPay Register admin user online

  1. Login to your account at the TotilPay Register Merchant Portal.
  2. Click Users & Roles.
  3. Click Users.
  4. Click Add.
  5. Fill in the required fields: Username, Password, Confirm Password, and Clerk Number
      • example new user info: admin2, 1234, 2
  6. Enable the new user by clicking Disabled and then selecting Enabled.
  7. Under Roles, click the Administrator checkbox. (Only Admins can reset bad password counts.)
  8. Click Save.

Unlock TotilPay Register user and reset bad password count

  1. Open TotilPay Register and login to a different admin user.
  2. Tap Settings in the upper-left corner. (3 horizontal bars)
  3. Tap Users.
  4. Tap the locked user.
  5. Under Bad Password Count, tap Reset.
  6. Logout of TotilPay Register.
  7. Login to TotilPay Register to test login issue resolution.

Need help? Please email us or call 1 (888) 377-7884 to speak to TotilPay Support Representative.

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