
How To Setup Woosim Printer

After pairing your Woosim printer (PIN: 1234), follow the steps below to configure TotilPay Go for the attached card reader:

  1. Login to TotilPay Go
  2. Tap More in the bottom right corner
  3. Tap Transactions from the Settings Menu
  4. Tap Card Reader
  5. Select Woosim from the list of available card readers
    • The indicator dot will turn green after the reader has been initialized. If the indicator dot remains red:
      1. Tap the setting icon in the upper right hand corner
      2. Tap Factory Reset. You should see activity lights on the printer.
      3. Tap Done to return to the Card Reader Screen
      4. Confirm the indicator dot is now green.

Note: The Woosim P240(m) with built in reader will only function as a printer on Android devices. In other words the built in card reader is not functional on Android. You would need to use a BBPOS chipper in order to swipe cards.

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