
Reset TotilPay Register Account Password

Follow the steps below to reset your TotilPay account password

    1. Go to
    2. Click "Forgot your password?" below the Login button. 
      This may take you to the login screen for the previous MobileMarket+ Register application web portal.  Your account is the same on MobileMarket+ Register as on TotilPay Register.  Click Forgot your password? here once again.
    3. Enter the email address associated with your account and then click Submit.
    4. Check your email for a message from Mobile Market.  
    5. Open the message and click the password reset link.
    6. Enter a new account password in the top field and re-type your new password in the field below.  
      NOTE: Passwords must be at least 8 characters in length and alphanumeric (a – z, A – Z, 0 – 9). 
      Special characters/symbols are not required but only the following are allowed
       . _ - ~ @ # % ^ & ( ) { }

    7. Click Save.
    8. Login with your account username and new password.
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