How to Move TotilPay Go to a New Device and/or Create New TotilPay Go Activation Code
- Login to your TotilPay account at - (select either TotilPay Go or TotilPay Register in the list of dropdown options) ** If you don't know your login information, click Forgot Username or Forgot Password.
- After you have logged in, click Devices on the left side of the screen. A list of your current devices will be displayed.
- Click the device you want to "replace".
- In the top right corner, select a Reason option from the dropdown box.
- Click the yellow button Disable.
- Click OK to confirm and proceed.
- On the next screen, click the red button Replace. This will create a new Activation Code.
- ** DO NOT select Activate! This will NOT activate your device.
- Click OK to confirm and proceed.
- A notification will appear, confirming that a new code was sent to the email address we have on file for your TotilPay account.
- You can also see the Activation Code on the information screen for the new "Placeholder" device.
- On your new device, go to the App Store and download the TotilPay Go app.
- Use your Username and new Activation Code to log in to the TotilPay app.
For further assistance, reach out to TotilPay Support via email or call 888-377-7884.