
Change Device / Create New TotilPay Go Activation Code

How to Move TotilPay Go to a New Device; Create New TotilPay Go Activation Code

  1. Login to your TotilPay account at - (select TotilPay Go in the list of dropdown options) ** If you don't know your login information, click Forgot Username or Forgot Password.
  2. Click Devices on the left side of the screen.  A list of your current devices will be displayed.
  3. Click the device you want to "replace". 
  4.  In the top right corner, select a Reason option from the dropdown box.
  5. Click the yellow button Disable. 
  6. Click OK to confirm and proceed.
  7. On the next screen, click the red button Replace. This will create a new Activation Code. 
  8.  ** DO NOT select Activate!  This will NOT activate your device.
  9. Click OK to confirm and proceed. 
  10. A notification will appear, confirming that a new code was sent to the email address we have on file for your TotilPay account.
  11. You can also see the Activation Code on the information screen for the new "Placeholder" device.
  12. On your new device, go to the App Store and download the TotilPay Go app.
  13. Use your Username and new Activation Code to log in to the TotilPay app.


Need help? Email TotilPay Support or call 888-377-7884


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