
TotilPay Go - Full Erase and Re-Install

Follow the steps below to erase and re-install the TotilPay Go app on your mobile device.*

  1. Login to TotilPay Go.

  2. Tap More.

  3. In the Settings section at the top of the screen, tap Install Options.

  4. Tap Full Erase and Re-Install.

  5. Confirm this action by tapping Full Erase.
  6. Reactivate TotilPay Go using the steps linked below. (Skip step 2)

Need help? Email TotilPay Support or call 888-377-7884.

* Please note a Full Erase and Re-Install deletes all receipt, merchant, and transaction data from your device. The lost data will be unrecoverable. (Transaction history data is always accessible on your TotilPay online portal.) A Full Erase and Re-Install should only be done after updating your TotilPay Go account information, including FNS number change, or troubleshooting TotilPay Go app performance issues.

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