How to Set Up Your New TotilPay Go Account and Activate Your TotilPay Go Terminal
Check your email for a message with the following subject line to get started:
- Mobile Market+ - Account Creation for Your Market
After you set a password and finish creating your new TotilPay account, complete the steps below to activate and set up your processing terminal:
- Install TotilPay Go for iOS
- Activate the TotilPay Go app using the information below:*
- TotilPay account username: You can find this in your Account Creation email.
- TotilPay account password: If you forgot this, click here to learn how to reset your password.
- TotilPay Go app Activation Code: You can find this in your Account Creation email.
- Pair your Chipper BT card reader with your iPad or iPhone.**
- Pair your Woosim Bluetooth thermal receipt printer with your iPad or iPhone.**
- Square Only: Add your Square account to TotilPay Go.
NDG offers free TotilPay Go training! Please click here to schedule an appointment!
* Please allow the TotilPay Go app to access your device's microphone and location.
** Please charge this device for at least 1 uninterrupted hour before use.
Need help? Email TotilPay Support or call 888-377-7884.