
TotilPay Go for iOS: Set Up Your New TotilPay Go Account and Activate Your TotilPay Go Terminal

How to Set Up Your New TotilPay Go Account and Activate Your TotilPay Go Terminal

Check your email for a message with the following subject line to get started:

  • Mobile Market+ - Account Creation for Your Market

After you set a password and finish creating your new TotilPay account, complete the steps below to activate and set up your processing terminal:

  1. Install TotilPay Go for iOS
  2. Activate the TotilPay Go app using the information below:*
  3. Pair your Chipper BT card reader with your iPad or iPhone.**
  4. Pair your Woosim Bluetooth thermal receipt printer with your iPad or iPhone.**
  5. Square Only: Add your Square account to TotilPay Go.

NDG offers free TotilPay Go training! Please click here to schedule an appointment!

Please allow the TotilPay Go app to access your device's microphone and location.
** Please charge this device for at least 1 uninterrupted hour before use.

Need help? Email TotilPay Support or call 888-377-7884.

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